Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women To Eat

When you become pregnant, you have to change the way you eat. Not only must you keep your baby healthy during pregnancy, but you need to keep yourself healthy, as well. While the idea that you need to eat more while pregnant is true to an extent, that does not mean you should substantially increase your daily caloric intake. Typically, pregnant women only need to consume 300 more calories a day than what they consumed before becoming pregnant. However, the type of food you eat during pregnancy is important because it provides you and your growing baby with the proper nutrients.

Vegetables and Fruits

Many of the essential nutrients that are needed during pregnancy can be found in fruits and vegetables. Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli contain iron that is vital to you and your babies' health. Other vegetables such as peas and lentils contain folic acid, which is also vital to you and your babies' health during pregnancy. Fruits such as strawberries and oranges also contain essential nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and an assortment of healthy vitamins.


Certain dairy products are good for you and the baby. Pasturised milk, small quantities of cheeses such as cheddar cheese, and yogurt can all help provide you and the baby with calcium. However, dairy should be consumed in small quantities, and certain dairy products such as raw eggs and certain cheeses should be avoided during pregnancy.